Antología Poética1985La novela explora la relación entre un hombre y una mujer en un Uruguay autoritario.Very Easy
Tags20PolíticaHistoriaUruguayDictaduraMilitarismoRepresiónTorturaPrisiónExilioResistenciaLuchaJusticiaVerdadMemoriaCrímenesEstadoPoderSociedadCrisisReconstrucciónNo corre prisa…
Huellas literarias1927Un escritor reflexiona sobre la esencia de la vida, el tiempo y la muerte, entretejiendo pensamientos filosóficos, recuerdos personales y descripciones de su entorno francés.Easy
Tags35bañoooscartacasacorrecuentodadebedosfamiliafondahorashoyllegamañanamismamundoonceparadapeatónpesetapradanosDickens Again
The Uses of Diversity1925A biography of Charles Dickens that highlights his literary genius and impact on society, written by G.K. Chesterton.Fairly Easy
Te quiero
Antología Poética1981Relato de amor y desamor en un matrimonio que se desmorona.Very difficult
Tags20amorpoesíaerotismointimidadpasióndeseolujuriasentimentalismoromanceemociónsensualidaderotismoamistadsoledadmelancolíareflexiónmeditaciónfilosofíapsicologíahumanismo- 186920 Chapter
A young man in 19th century France struggles to find his place in society while learning the harsh realities of life.Fairly Easy
Tags491848Best Books Ever ListingsFebruary RevolutionFebruary Revolution, 1848FictionFranceHistorical novelHistoryJune DaysJune Days, 1848Married womenParis (France)The History of a Young ManUnrequited loveYoung menairappearedarnouxbroughtdambreuseday THE DEATH OF MOSES
The Gospel of the Pentateuch, A set of Parish Sermons0The Death of Moses is a novel written by Charles Kingsley in which the protagonist, Moses, dies at the end.Fairly Easy
The Bomb
Fifty Famous People1955A young boy's journey through racism and identity in America, grappling with his own blackness and humanity.Very Easy
Tags21Nuclear WarAmerican LiteratureSocial CommentaryHistorical FictionDystopianExistentialismPhilosophyPsychological InsightCultural CriticismRacial TensionsCivil Rights MovementCold War EraFear of AnnihilationHuman ConditionMoral DilemmaSocial JusticeCritique of CapitalismExistential CrisisAmerican IdentityNuclear AnxietyApocalyptic Visions- 1608
The Eagle, Cat, and Wild Sow are in a race to reach a piece of bread.Fairly Easy
- 1839
The Count of Monte Cristo's former friend, Monsieur de Boville, hires the notorious criminal, Monsieur de Villefort, to investigate the murder of Monsieur de Saint-Meran.Fairly difficult
Tags39BiographyCrimeCrime NonfictionCriminalsSocial Studiesappearedbroughtbuisson-souefbusinesschestcrowddaydaysderuesderues'edouardeveninggodheardhousehusband In Wasting One Drop
The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas, The New Centenary1946Poetic exploration of mortality, loss and the human condition through a narrative that blurs reality and myth.Easy
Tags22PoetryWalesAutobiographyMemoirLiterary FictionComing of AgeSelf-DiscoveryIdentity CrisisSocial CommentaryCultural HeritageFamily DynamicsLove and LossExistentialismPhilosophyPsychological InsightEmotional DepthSymbolismImageryLanguageStyleToneTHE CORPSE
The Poems and Prose Poems1857What is the work's theme?Fairly Easy
La Comadreja y los Ratones
Capítulos1789La comadreja intenta engañar a los ratones para comérselos, pero los ratones son más inteligentes y logran escapar.Easy
Tags36abundantesancianocapítulocazabacercanociertaciertocomadrejacubrircuento infantildébilelegíafelizflacagotosohacíahambreharinamesaobligadaparalíticoDON'T BE AFRAID
The Adventures of a Brownie1856DON'T BE AFRAID by Dinah Mulock: A young woman struggles with fear and anxiety, seeking comfort from a mysterious figure who offers guidance and support.Fairly Easy
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